The term ‘search engine optmisation’, or SEO as it is commonly known, is an essential component of digital marketing and one that most businesses can benefit from. There are literally millions, if not billions, of online consumers that use search engines to source products and services, and without SEO services, it is unlikely that any…
The Benefits of Branding for Small Enterprises
It cannot be overstated, that branding is probably one of the most crucial aspects of any small business enterprise. Everything in life, nowadays, is all about providing the best first impression that you can, and people will make judgements immediately, the first time that they enter, or they experience doing business with you. In many…
What is a Landing Page and Why is it so Important?
Just about every business owner has heard the term ‘landing page’, and while most know that it is to do with digital marketing, they haven’t really got an understanding of what a landing page actually is. In this article, we will examine the landing page and its role in driving traffic to a website and…
3 Link Building Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Spending on digital marketing is expected to rise by over 17% in 2020. Most business owners are starting to realize that in order to compete in the modern world, you need an online presence. The main goal you should have when developing a marketing plan for the year is investing in tactics that actually produce…
The Benefits of SEO For Online Marketing
Anyone that has their own business nowadays, will tell you about the difficulties that they experience every day, attracting new customers and keeping their current ones. The amount of competition now, is unbelievable, and before you only had to deal with competitors on the high street, and in your local town or city, but now…
Tips To Get Your SEO & Link Building Work Done While Traveling
Let’s face it. Sometimes our jobs simply won’t allow us to travel without doing something work related during our excursion. The good news is that technology has made the task much easier to tackle. No matter where you go in the world, there is almost always a way to get online, and the internet is…
Good Business Is About Marketing Yourself & Creating The Right First Impression
In today’s modern business world, it’s all about creating the right first impression, and to do this you need to market your business correctly. Potential customers will base their first impressions on what they see and experience when they enter your business property. It is up to you as the owner, to project a professional…
Effective Public Speaking Tips For SEO Experts
Being an SEO expert means that you are in high demand and seen as an authority in your industry. Because of this, many other SEO professionals are going to want to learn your latest trade secrets and will want to invite you to their business conference to speak to their audience. While this can be…
How To Nail Your Next Marketing Presentation
Being a digital marketing expert means that you are going to have to share your valuable insights with people. Whether it be at a business conference or at your office, you will need to learn how to get up in front of people and talk about the latest trends such as ad optimization or Instagram…
Why is Magento so Popular?
There are a ton of eCommerce platforms that all promise to do one thing or another and while there are many options available, there is one platform that stands apart from the rest. Magento. Magento is a super flexible CMS platform that is used to develop eCommerce websites on open source technology. This provides online…