Once you’ve got the basics of WordPress SEO, you’ll want to move on to more advanced levels of SEO strategy and analyses. While it takes some time and concentration, doing so will repay you with a better customer base, more usable data, and a better ROI. Here’s a few pointers on what comes next with WordPerfect SEO.
Start by using Google Campaign URL Builder. Easy to set up and even easier to program to give you the analytics you’re looking for to figure out if you’re reaching your target audience. If you know how to use and exploit bit.ly, you’ll have no trouble using the Campaign URL Builder.
Even with the best of SEO quality content and key words, there is always the danger of duplicate content messing your platforms up and making them less accessible to consumers. To avoid this make sure to do a quarterly content audit both on and off site, and an annual technical audit, which will help with any issues such as too much crawling.
Get familiar with Schema markup. It’s the best way to get SEO microdata that you can analyze for help with SERPs (search engine results pages) optimization. Schema.org has the best plugins for WordPress, and is completely compatible with Google Tag Manager.