Don’t write off SEO yet as an outdated and inefficient way to game the internet. Of course SEO will always have some critics, those who choose not to understand the underlying premise and don’t want to believe it still has great potential. The truth is that advertising and marketing experts know it takes a mess of hard work and forward-thinking to carry outstanding online content, and once it’s been produced and posted, only a fool would not want to get it spread as widely and as quickly as possible to maximize its effect. And SEO is still one of the best ways to do that. SEO may not work for schlock anymore, but when quality content, quality product, or quality services are being offered, then SEO can still deliver discerning consumers who have learned how to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to online hype.
Americans, at least, are still madly in love with lists. They love to follow lists of everything from good movies to best Tex Mex restaurants to museums to visit in Pittsburgh — SEO takes full advantage of this list love. And now that voice searches are becoming The Next Big Thing for 2020, SEO will become an even more important component for successful marketing.