One of this year’s biggest surprises in the wonderful world of SEO has been the jump in zero-click searches — where consumers don’t actually click on a site, but simply read the summary. Data from Jumpshot suggests that over fifty percent of Google users don’t bother to click on a website, link, or keyword they’re…
Category: SEO
How Press Releases Help SEO
According to search marketers who know their business, there is a strong bond between releasing a news item and improved SEO performance, as it pertains to reporters picking up a story or the length of time viewers remain engaged and wanting to learn more. This should come as no surprise to experienced search marketers and…
Taking SEO into 2020
Are you ready to take advantage of where SEO is going in 2020? One thing’s for sure, SEO is NOT going away! If you’re listening to the so-called marketing gurus who say SEO is past its prime, you need to find some new gurus. Fast. According to those in the know, here’s where SEO is…
SEO’s Latest Challenge — Voice Search.
Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, recently revealed that research shows that over a fifth of searches on Google are now voice-based. Voice SEO is a growing segment of the search engine industry that is not yet getting the serious attention it needs. Yet consumers are making it plain to anyone who listens to them…
Instagram Imposes New Rules for 2020.
There’s a new policy at Instagram that is going to hamstring influencers from posting some certain types of questionable content. Under the new ban, such things as guns, nicotine products, and vaping products will no longer be allowed as branded content under anyone’s account — no matter how ‘influential’ or how many followers they may…
A Brief History of SEO.
The internet world takes SEO for granted today, but it was only 22 years ago this month that two university students at Stanford developed the first working model search engine that used algorithms to track down keywords and particular websites. Sergey Brin and Larry Page were interested in using higher mathematics, specifically algebraic formulas like…
New Platform for SEO Bing Bots.
Bing has announced a brand new user agent, exclusively for use in crawling on web pages. This new users agent is going to be updated continuously, so as a consequence the new agent user strings are also going to be able to maneuver to mirror the most recent rendering engine in use. Probably the most…
Stop Making These SEO Mistakes
Marketers have learned many ways over the years to use SEO to the advantage of their clients. But, like most tools that have been around awhile, some marketers are taking SEO for granted and continue to make continuous blunders that eventually rob them of the cream of their customer base. Because clients evolve as well…
The Importance of Organic Clicks in SEO.
A persistent misconception among SEO people is that clicks from other sites are equal to organic clicks, because they’re all counted together as the same — right? Wrong. Random clicks, sometimes known as phantom or ghost clicks, may make the statistics for a site look good, may even fool some marketers into thinking that keywords…
2020 Winter Institute to Focus on SEO for Booksellers.
The Winter Institute for Book Sellers will be held on January 15, 2020, at the Baltimore Inner Harbor Hilton. The theme of the conference will be on maximising SEO strategies for the independent book retailer. It’s estimated that the number of independent book stores in the United States has fallen by nearly a third in…